Kazimierz Wielki University

UKW Main Library 
A modern, computerised unit which serves not only students and academic staff of the University but also all who wish to use its services. The library archives include over 700 thousand volumes. Customers use digital catalogues and on-line ordering. The UKW Main Library and the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń have jointly created the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Digital Library. The archives include over 2,500 old prints, the oldest being Historia Ecclesiastica published by Jan Schallus in 1479 and Biblia published by Jan Froben and Jan Petri in 1498. 

Kazimierz Wielki University Press
The University Press has been active since 1971. Annually it publishes about 50 books (about 70 publisher’s sheets). It specialises in scientific publications: monographs, scientific dissertations, post-conference papers, bulletins, methodology guidelines, printed series of course lectures, and journals; documenting the academic output of the University in different fields, from humanities to mathematics and natural and technical sciences. (www.wydawnictwo.ukw.edu.pl)

Museum of Diplomacy and Polish Diaspora 
The museum was established in 1998 using the archives of the history of diplomacy and Polish diaspora collected by Dr Karol Poznański, Consul General of the Second Republic of Poland in France and Great Britain. Karol Poznański’s complete archives were donated to the University by his widow, Mrs Wanda Poznańska. The museum is unique in Poland. (www.muzeum.ukw.edu.pl)