mgr Hajndrych ErykPublikacje

mgr Hajndrych ErykPublikacje

Artykuły w czasopismach

Hajndrych, Eryk. 2022. Multimodal metaphor in the novel-to-stage adaptation of Pai Hsien-Yung's Crystal Boys. Image (&) Narrative 23(2): 86–106.

Chen, Li-Chi, and Eryk Hajndrych. 2021. Comicbook characters’ facial features and actions and movements as two sources of humor: The case of Fullmetal Alchemist. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 12(5): 1048– 1065.

Chen, Li-Chi, Anna Sroka-Grądziel, Fu-Lan Lee, and Eryk Hajndrych. 2021. Wit and humor in Chinese characters: A socio-cultural and historical perspective. Socjolingwistyka 35: 41–54.

Chen, Li-Chi, and Eryk Hajndrych. 2021. Humour through the visual narrative of comicbook characters’ emotional states: Analysing Fullmetal Alchemist. Image [&] Narrative 22(2): 131–150.

Hajndrych, Eryk. 2021. Chinese women in the late Qing period: Reading through Guido Amadeo Vitale’s Chinese Folklore: Pekinese Rhymes. Gdańsk Journal of East Asian Studies 19: 45–63.

陳力綺 (Li-Chi Chen), 蘇爾 (Anna Sroka-Grądziel), and 林滄海 (Eryk Hajndrych). 2021. 波蘭境內大學的華語教學現況、困境與未來發展:以卡基米日維爾基大學俄中文學程為例(Teaching Chinese as a foreign language in Poland: Its current situation, challenges, and future perspectives. A case of the Russian-Chinese dual-languages program at Kazimierz Wielki University). 華文世界 (The World of Chinese Language) 127: 131–140.


Rozdziały w monografiach

林滄海 (Eryk Hajndrych), and 吳翠華 (Tsui-Hua Wu). 2022. 日治時期臺灣女性的處竟―以《臺灣新民》報的歌謠為中心 (Women's circumstances in Japan-ruled Taiwan: Analyzing folk songs in Taiwan New People Newspaper). W: Sekiguchi Global Research Association (red.) Toward The Future of Asia: My Proposal, Volume 6A, s. 135–140. Tokyo: The Japan Times.


Wydawnictwa pokonferencyjne

Chen, Li-Chi, and Handrych, Eryk. 2019. Violating politeness maxims as a means to construct humor: Some evidence from Polish media discourse. W: Darija Omrčen and Ana-Marija Krakić (red.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of the Association of LSP Teachers at Higher Education Institutions: From Theory to Practice in Language for Specific Purposes, s. 7–18. Zagreb: Association of LSP Teachers at Higher Education Institutions.



林滄海 (Eryk Hajndrych) 、陳力綺 (Li-Chi Chen) 譯《蝸牛小ㄕㄢ是男生或女生?》。台北:玉山社。2018年10月。[Guāniú Xiǎoshān Shì Nánshēng Huò Nǚshēng? Taipei: Taiwan Interminds Publishing, Inc] [Maria Pawłowska, Jakub Szamałek, and Katarzyna Bogucka. 2015. Kim Jest Ślimak Sam? Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej.]