dr Michalska Paulina MagdalenaEnglish

dr Michalska Paulina MagdalenaEnglish



PsyD Paulina Michalska




2008 - 2014 Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, The Department of Human Development, The Institute of Psychology (full time doctoral studies in psychology, III rd year) - the topic of doctoral thesis: The solving syllogism including formal and life content in early, middle and late adulthood; supervisor: prof. Janusz Trempała 

2003-2008: Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology (full time master studies in psychology; specialty: a clinical psychology)



 The main active participation in confreneces (since 2009):

§  Conference: Participation in middle and late adulthood in Bydgoszcz (report's presentation; X 2010)

§  XIX General Polish Conference on Developmental Psychology in Łódź (poster's presentation; VI 2010)

§  XVI European Conference on Developmental Psychology in Vilnius (poster's presentation; VIII 2009)

§  XVIII  General Polish Conference on Developmental Psychology in Wrocław (poster's presentation; VI 2009)


The main publications (since 2009):

§  Mrozińska, P. (2012). Methods used in problem solving in aging-review of current research. Bydgoszcz: UKW

§  Mrozińska, P. (2011). Changes in cognitive functioning in aging. Bydgoszcz: UKW

§  Mrozińska, P. (2010). Cognitive functioning in aging- review of empirical research and theories. In: M. Sobczak - Michałowska, A. Kozubska (eds.). Building of social support for families. The possibilities and limitations (pp.77-81). Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo WSG

§  Mrozińska, P. (2010). Loneliness in the marriage - the comparison of partners' estimation. In: R. Zukauskiene (eds.). Proceedings of the XIV European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Pianoro: Medimond Publisher

§  Mrozińska, P.(2009). The strategies of coping with loneliness in married couples, Psychologia Rozwojowa, 14,3, 89-100

Membership in scientific societies:

§  European Society of Cognitive Psychology (since 2010)

§  European Society for Developmental Psychology (since 2009)

§  Polish Association of Psychology, Section of Developmental Psychology (since 2006)


Research interests:

§  Developmental psychology 

§  Successful functioning across lifespan 

§  Experimental methods in developmental studies